الأربعاء، 27 أبريل 2011

Garlic treatment for high blood pressure

Garlic treatment for high blood pressure

The use of garlic for medicinal purposes goes back thousands of years, concluded a study conducted by doctors Australians, from the University of Adelaide, that garlic may be useful as a medicine to treat high blood pressure.
The doctors subjected 50 patients in an experiment to find out what was garlic helps those who have high blood pressure.
The study found that patients who were giving them four capsules extracted from garlic, daily blood pressure was lower than their peers who were given dummy capsules.
And the British Heart Foundation said that there is a need for more research to confirm these findings, adding that garlic is good for the heart. The work of the garlic extract to reduce cholesterol and reduce high blood pressure, in patients with high blood pressure.
Said Ellen Mason, senior nurses in the British Heart Foundation, said that the use of garlic for medicinal purposesgoes back thousands of years, but it is essential thatscientific research proves that garlic can help in situationssuch as high blood pressure.

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